Monday, 26 May 2014


Hello beautiful people, hope you had a great weekend and are having a good start to your week. I had a pretty relaxing weekend and was so glad to see the sun out this morning. I don't know about you but there are some days where I just want to be 'free' and I don't feel like wearing any clothes, on those days easy breezy airy fairy light weight dresses are my outfits of choice.  Today was on of those days and thankful skirts like this exit in my wardrobe. If they don't exist in yours here is how to make one. You can make in longer into a maxi skirt or strapless dress just increase the length.  


Step 1- Gather Materials
    • 1/2 a metre of floral chiffon
    • 1/2 a meter of lining
    • 1 meter of elastic band( I used 2 inch width but you can use 1 inch or 3 inches)

    Step 2- Take Measurements
    • Length( How long you want the skirt to be)
    • Mark this out on your fabric and lining and cut

    • Waist(Your waist size x 2)
    • Mark this out on your fabric and lining then cut

    • Mark out your waist measurement on the elastic band and cut

    • You will end up with 2 rectangles
    • Trim 1.5 inches from the lining fabric

                                                            Step 3- Join the fabrics together

    • Join right sides together and sew the lining and fabric across the width

    Step 4- Add the elastic band
    • Sew the elastic on the width of the fabric

    • After locking the first few stitches(sewing back and forth) 
    • Pull the elastic as you sew

    • This will create cool gathers!

    Step 5- Finishing up                                                
    •  Instead of hemming the outer fabric, make a 1cm incision on the width of the fabric 

    • Rip the fabric, this will create a the 'torn look' mostly found in tiered chiffon skirts                                                                

    • Join the elastic together(right sides together)

    • Join the lining (wrong sides together)
    • Join the chiffon fabric together (right sides together)
    Pair with a cute top and sandals or wedges and Work it!!


    1. Hi,
      got to know your blog through your comment on Bellanaija.
      please what kind of sewing machine do you use, the brand and please how much did it cost you and from where did you buy it?
      I'm sorry for all the questions but I really need a sewing machine.

      1. No worries, I used a basic Janome Harmony 2139 and it was a gift. I think it is discontinued at the moment but a basic Janome retails online from around £120.

        Hope this helps x


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