Monday, 17 February 2014


Hello everyone, hope you all had a lovely weekend. I had a pretty chilled weekend, went home-ware shopping and few hours later I had a craving for Chinese and decided to go down the ALL- YOU CAN EAT route!! I kept it civil going for only the seafood and veggies only but I know how much sodium and oils are added to restaurant foods so I felt kinda naughty.

When I go to restaurants I try to observe the staff to know if the food is healthy, I look at their skin, weight and hair. It is amazing how much you can find out, for instance if the waiters have greasy acne filled faces I assume they cook with alot of unhealthy fats but hey, I could be wrong. One thing that struck me as I got to the Chinese restaurant was how unhealthy and overweight over 60% of the people there were( It was very sad).

 Moving on... post naughty eating, I like a do a mini detox and here is what I do to get my body back on track.

1. Start your day with some Lemon water

This is pretty simple and straight forward, lemon water cleanses out your system, helps digest and eliminate toxins and all the unhealthy treats you ate. Squeeze half a lemon into a mug of warm water and drink first thing in the morning. Continue to drink more water than normal during the day to continue to flush out your system.

2. Go for a walk

Post an over indulgent weekend, most people feel bad so they restrict their diet and go for a run I see so many people doing this.  I believe a gentler approach is more effective and walking gets heart rate up without putting so much stress on your body. Most people eat more after running because running can increase our appetite so keep it simple and walk instead.

3 Eat small meals every 2-3hours

This is the last thing you might think of doing after naughty weekend but it is what your body needs. Eating small meals under 250 calories every 2-3hrs increases your metabolism as you assure your body that you aren't going to starve and that food will always be available so your body tries to burn fat instead of storing it. Try to include as much...
fruits and veggies in these meals and avoid dairy as it can slow down food digestion. If you would like some 250 or less meal plan leave me a comment below.

4. Sleep

I have found that a good night's sleep helps reset the body, regulate your body's metabolism and reduces your desire to overeat. There has been a lot of research on sleep and its link with obesity and this had led many doctors to include more sleep as part their suggested weight loss programs.

These are a few tips that have always worked for me. Did you overindulge over the weekend?  What has worked for you to get you back on track to your health and fitness goals? I love reading your comments.

Love Nemi


  1. Great tips hun, I usually just try and compensate by eating less and working out more. I have actually heard about the lemon in water for detox but haven't tried it yet....would give it a shot.

    1. It really tastes nice too, some people add honey and cayenne pepper to the mix. I think dryfish pepper soup without oil might have the same effect, will probably be my next experiment. Thanks for commenting x

  2. I agree with your tips- I love my sleep, i love my lemon and water, and because my neighbourhood is kinda weird to take walks in, lol, I stick to zumba at home :-)

    1. Haha Zumba at home is great, just bought the PussyCat Doll workout dvd it is so much fun and burns lot of calories perfect for when I can't be bothered to leave the house. x

    2. ehen? PCD. coool i love anythin that sounds like FUN. i should look into getting this DVD. thanks :D

  3. Hey Fola,
    Cool I love the lemon and water mix. Well for me, I try to detox 3-5days every month. I drink lots of water until 5pm and then have fruits and veggies. Recently I started yoga and the benefits have been awesome. :)

    1. Hi Grace, O wow thats amazing... I used to do that every friday with great results but got lazy, maybe its time to start again. Thanks for you comment x

  4. I'm a fan of lemon water, it does wonders for the system!

  5. great tips, heard a lot about detox, but I dnt really like the taste of lemon :(.. but my sleep, ohh no one can take that away :)

    1. Dry fish pepper soup without oil can have similar effects of lemon water...maybe you can try that? x

  6. I've noticed that taking lemon and water first thing in the morning keeps my appetite at bay. Tried it just 2ce and so cant really come to a conclusive end about it.

    I wish i could start working out. The laziness in me and my lifestyle just makes it soooo hard. Lord help me.

    1. Ha its not easy for me too, I am not a naturally active person so everyday is a mind war to work out or not. I usually watch some motivation videos on that works 85% of time.


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