Friday 6 October 2017


“Weight loss” is one of the most fantasised terms in this world.  It seems like everyone is crazy about some “diet” and are always on the lookout to find more and more weight loss tips.

This is because the culture today brainwashes us into thinking that being skinny and toned is the secret to happiness, wealth and success 😂😏.

Anyhoo, life could be tough and hectic + following strict diet plans and daily workouts could be exhausting. So how can you maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle without burning out? I have some tried and tested tips that are guaranteed to work whether you are rich, broke, busy, lazy, can’t be bothered, love junk food, love salads, blond or wiggy. Whoever and whatever you like these tips will work for you.

1. EAT MORE FIBERS- Eg Almonds, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes

Here are some benefits of fibre.
  1. Normalizes bowel movements.
  2. Helps maintain bowel health.
  3. Lowers cholesterol levels.
  4. Helps control blood sugar levels.
  5. Aids in achieving healthy weight- cos it keeps you fuller for longer
I believe snacks are one of the biggest cons of the food industry- healthy snacks included. Most snacks have as many calories and sugars as a small meal and they are ladened with the proper combination of ingredients to stimulate that sweet spot in your brain and keep you coming back for more.
For years people have asked French women their secret to staying slim and healthy and a common denominator is the fact that they don’t snack.
Bodybuilders cracked the code when they told us to have small 6 meals a day instead of 2-3 and snacks. I will do a more detailed post on this soon but check out this out and get woke!!

Food on both sides have approximately the same calories and one will keep you for around 3hrs and the other for 30mins. So chose wisely.

The gym is not the only way to get in exercise. Do you know that you can burn up to 300 calories in 60minutes by dancing, you don’t need a DVD or a program just a playlist of your favourite music and channel your inner Sasha Fierce.
Walking has incredible benefits as well and is a good time to pray, reflect, listen to a podcast, audiobook, or even journal. I use the iPhone notepad and microphone feature to journal sometimes on my walks, it is really therapeutic.

Here are some other tips….
  • Avoid skipping meals, if you are not hungry, try having a very light meal. Skipping meals will make you overcompensate later.
  • Drink a lot of water, and 1-2 cups of teas/broths as well.
  • Stick to a wide range of food groups that fulfil all your nutritional requirements for the day.

These are literally 5-minute recipes, they are easy to make, healthy, delicious with a variety of ingredients for every pallet.

Spiced Green Tea Smoothie

Broccoli and Feta Omelet with Toast

Grilled Chicken Cutlets with Summer Succotash

Fried Brown Rice with Edamame

Santa Fe Vegetable Soup

Spicy Cauliflower Lasagna

Spicy-sweet Potato Burger

The most important thing to remember is that don’t stress out yourself with this “weight loss” thing, just follow these interesting tip, easy-to-make recipes and stay active - weight loss will be a side effect.

Nemi x

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