Monday, 22 September 2014


Hello everyone, hope you had a wonderful weekend. After a pretty hectic and tiring week, the word that perfectly describes my weekend was restful. I have decided make this a photoblog(less jibber jabber more pics) Enjoy!

Date Night

All date nights must start with a selfie right???!?

Shirt - H&M
 Skirt - Zara,
Boots- M&S

We went to Atomic burger as we had a hankering for their chicken wings, we had been trying to eat really clean for about 10 days so this was a well deserved indulgent meal. We ordered 24 chicken wings, 2 sweet potato chips , 1 plate of sharing nachos with pulled pork and coke! The wings were delicious, we did not get through the nachos(probably wouldn't order next time). The sweet potato chips were pretty good too but didn't get through mine as I was stuffed.

Fallout Wings- extra spicy, extra yum!

Sweet potato chips where great, Matt cleared his and half of mine :)

Dehydrator crazy

I  recently discovered kale chips and I am super hooked, don't let the name fool they taste so amazing. These cashew butter and spice coated leaves taste more like chips than veg; They are a great low carb no guilt snack but at £2 for 20g they are super steep! After spending over ££ on Kale and Apple chips in the last couple of weeks I decided to make my own. I started by buying a dehydrator with no regrets,  got some free apples from my brother-in-law sliced them, dehydrated them overnight and tossed in cinnamon and voila! Crunchy yummy tasties!

Gave some away- they make really cute pressies

Kale Chips dehydrating
Final result, with a cashew and pepper coating #nomnom

Sunday walk

In England, going for a walk post Sunday lunch is almost tradition and while I love walking Matt does not but today he came out  for a short walk down the road. Oxford is seriously so beautiful!

Super cute ducks they shake their butts when you feed them cashews(see vid)

Have a great week guys :) x


  1. You look gorgeous and you both look usual. Have a great week

  2. Gorgeous scenery. I wish I could walk outside, but the roads are yucky where I live :(

  3. that looks so good im gonna have to give it a try. and you guys look good together if i may add #dorocouple lol

    1. Haha thanks, I am gonna steal that hashtag. love it!

  4. dehydrator on my wish list now.

    1. It really good but in the mean time oven can do job.x


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