Monday, 4 August 2014


Hello beautiful people hope you had a wonderful weekend. I had a pretty good and relaxing weekend and had a couple of lie-ins(was sooo needed).

Our amazing English summer was interrupted with some heavy rain this weekend and we decide to do something productive like finishing up our Kitchen. Matt bought our house a couple of years ago and took a sledge hammer to the place on day one!
Chaos right??
Since then we have renovated the entire house but still have some odd jobs here and there, one of which is tiling the cooker area in the kitchen. So we went tile shopping and after 5 minutes in the tile shop I had enough, 'Le Husband' on the other hand was loving it! What is the deal with men and hardware shops?!

I chose some cream rectangular tiles, can't wait to show you the results when Matt finishes the tiling (Did I tell you he renovated the house himself with help from his big bro and dad) #mysuperman. 

So Noah came out on dvd last weekend and we watched the movie.  It was 2 hours of my life that I'm never going to get back; they made Noah out to be a bad person and God to be so horrible. I guess that is what happens when non-Christians make a movie based on a Bible story. I understand the writers trying to be creative with the storyline and I expected a fair amount of Hollywood artistic license, but this was appalling!


On Sunday we did not go to Nandos much to Matt's dismay as we are trying to get healthier before going on holiday. I went on a hike while Matt did some DIY around the house. 

So guys thats what I got up to last weekend, off on holiday this week and will take lots of pictures for you. 
Have a great week

Love N x


  1. Oh wow @ the Noah movie! I had heard bad reviews from Christians, but nobody was specific.

    Can't wait to see your finished kitchen too! I feel like I'm the only female born without the home decor gene. It's so sad :(

    1. Yes the Noah movie was very bad, Noah even tried to kill his newborn grand babies as he believed God was using him to end mankind!! SHOCKING!
      'Le Hüsband does most of the home decor o so you are not alone on that, my strength is offering moral support and water while he does the work ha!


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