Monday, 17 November 2014


Hello friends, hope are doing well and you had a wonderful weekend. Autumn is well on the way, Christmas is coming and I couldn't be happier. In fact I have already bought and wrapped almost half of my Christmas gifts, super keen bean I know!

One of my favourite things about blogging is the wonderful people you meet. In the last year I have met and made some amazing friends like Berry from, Fola from and Tomi from through this blog that have encouraged, inspired me and I feel so blessed.  

 I also met Jasmine from Colorubold our guest blogger today, she is has been nothing but kind, very inspirational and motivating. She is one cool chick and she is beautiful, loves Taylor Swift, pizza and the colour pink. Spend 2 minutes on her blog and your day will be better off,  she is an advocate for inner beauty, girl-power, she is so positive, full of life and encouraging. I  asked her and share her story on the blog, and was very excited when she agreed. 

Hope you guys enjoy the post and please share on social media as it is encourages us bloggers :)

 Nemi xoxo

KEEP THE FAITH by  Jasmine

When I first got into college I had no clue what I wanted to be, I just knew what was practical and what would sustain me in the little town that I lived in. I never knew what I could possibly become. So I signed up to take classes for nursing, I worked my butt off and tried my best to live with this decision but on the inside I was slowly becoming a less than stellar version of myself.  Depression took over my life; anxiety riddled me every single day. I would come home and go straight to sleep…I didn’t want to face the world. It got so bad I had to go on medication! That’s when my mom finally saw the real me or the not so real me. She came into my room one night as I was balling my eyes out and told me “it’s ok, you don’t have to keep doing this, I’ll still be proud of you regardless.” A whole weight was lifted off of me. I started crying again but not out of sadness or failure but out of relief. Peace I’ve never felt before came over me. From that very day I set out to find my passion, to start a new beginning, a new path…even if it scared me!
Do you have faith? Faith can be anything from believing you’ll pass that test you’ve been studying weeks for to having faith in getting a new job promotion that otherwise seemed impossible. Faith is seeing the unseen. We have to look passed what we see right now, meaning our circumstances, to seeing the possibilities of our dreams. Instead of being negative say “I’m not where I want to be but I know I’m going to get there”…now that’s my kind of faith!
Our dreams may seem unrealistic to others but to us it makes complete sense…stick to that! That’s God telling you, “You are on the right track.” If your dream scares you that’s God just simply nudging you saying “keep going you’ll get past this.” My passion for beauty, fashion, and writing may seem unrealistic to others but to me and God it’s perfectly attainable. I’m going after my dreams...Will you?
Believe in yourself first before all else. Believe that your dreams are achievable, that you can accomplish everything you set your mind to. If you are afraid…do it afraid! Go to your boss ask for that raise. Call that company that you have been wanting to contact.  Get out of that career path, that leaves you depressed and start living your dreams! Turn your dreams into reality. God wants you to have the best in life. 
Go after the best and forget the rest! 


  1. This post is all too real. Lovely write-up, Jasmine. I'm off to read your blog.
    Nemi, you've wrapped half your Christmas presents?! *slowly shakes head* :P

    1. There is more where that came from, Jasmine's site is a goldmine for motivation. Haha I am going Christmas crazy...:).


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