Saturday, 1 February 2014


Hello lovelies, hope you had a great weekend. I had a pretty fun weekend as it was my brother in-law's birthday and we went up to Birmingham for a curry. I noticed the restaurant was packed, we'd been there a few times and I never seen it that busy. I brought up how busy the restaurant was and my sister in-law said was the end of the month and people just got paid and I said OR gave up on their new year's resolution?

Well this got me thinking how many people have actually kept their new year's resolution and why they have such low success rates. This year I decided not make any resolutions but to make little lifestyle changes and so far it has been easy to keep and seems pretty natural.

Anyways if you are struggling to keep your Newyear's resolutions here is what you can do.
Stop making NewYear's resolutions! Nothing super natural happens on the first of January that empowers you to do something that you did not or could not do last year. Making declarations of changes will not help you keep them instead do the following.

(1) Write down your GOALS for the year or a Vision List- Be goal oriented, let your goals decide the changes you want to make.  That way you are going on a journey with a destination and if you get lost and weary, people can help you better when they know what direction you are heading.

(2) Write down LITTLE changes that can help you get there- Baby steps is key to making changes, you are more likely struggle if you
do something drastic. So if your goal is to lose some weight this year a little change could be to have one snack free day a week. Its a small change but when you see the results you will be encouraged to continue and even increase your snack free days.

(3) Be DILIGENT- A simple definition of diligence is 'constant and earnest in effort and application; attentive and persistent is doing something'. Diligence is key to achieving your goals, it encompasses being disciplined which is something most people struggle with in different areas of their lives. Being disciplined is doing something when you don't feel like it simply put.

(4) Be PATIENT- A new habit takes 21 days so give yourself time to get there.

(5)  PERSEVERE- If you fall get up and try again, with most lifestyle changes sometimes you will feel like you failed but feeling like you have failed does not mean you have. Ignore those voices and try again the as end result is all that matters and the important thing is that you achieve your goal.

Hope this helps you get back on track. Do you have any tips that have worked for you in the past? Please share so we can help each other be better and grow.

Nemi xx

1 comment:

  1. tua follower...


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